November 12, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


CENIDE celebrates 10 years of ICAN!


Time to celebrate!


This year's CENIDE celebration is fully dedicated to the ICAN anniversary: Together we look back on 10 years of analytics, high-end infrastructure and great results!


Come by and celebrate with us on November 12, 2024 starting at 14:00 in Fraunhofer InHaus in Duisburg.


Register here until October 20, 2024.


We have prepared an exciting program. Starting with a short outlook on the future of CENIDE, of course the main part is dedicated to ICAN, a review on its history, and research highlights with talks.


Afterwards the winners of this year’s CENIDE Best Paper Award will be awarded and will give short talks on their awarded publications. Especially the early career researchers can present their recent research in the following poster session, which takes place in the Mercator Haus next door. This gives everybody enough time to present and discuss recent results and ideas, including enjoying drinks. All poster presenters have the possibility to produce a short video to advertise their poster. These videos will be available to all participants during the event via a link or QR code.


The program will end with a joint celebration with buffet and drinks.


Let's celebrate the past 10 years of ICAN together and toast to the years to come!







Forsthausweg 1 47057 Duisburg
Registration for this event is currently open.