Elevator Pitch - Present yourself and your Research Profile in 90 seconds!

"What do you do? What is your job?" This question pops up in many situations, from family gatherings to interviews and professional conferences, and often, your response can create a big change on how (or if) the conversation moves forward. Responding in a concise yet compelling and informative manner in the first 90 seconds after being asked is crucial. This workshop will prepare you to pitch yourself and your research in just about a minute.
After the great success on last year's workshop, we are happy to offer a second edition of it this Summer! Please register here.
Last years results can be viewed here:
The workshop will have two parts. The first part will be hosted online on Tuesday, August 08, 10:30 am - 1 pm, during which Dr. Claudia-Francisca López-Cámara (Postdoctoral researcher at AG Wiggers, CENIDE Early Career Fellow) will provide you with tools and advice on how to present yourself in about 90 seconds. You will start then also preparing your own pitch, helped by the feedback of the other attendees.
Then, you will have a few days to preprare/finalize your own elevator pitch at home and have your script ready for recording.
The second part of the workshop will be hosted between August 11 and August 16 at the NETZ building, Campus Duisburg (the exact day will be defined with you to account with your availability) or upon request, at Campus Essen. This second part will be hosted by Miriam Böhm and Tanja Mayer, who will record your elevator pitch. After editing the recording, we will provide you with it so you can use the resulting video of your elevator pitch on social media or wherever you want to present yourself. In case you are not from the area or cannot come to Duisburg for the recording, you can also attend only the online session to get the input from Claudia. The recording is not mandatory for this workshop, but highly recommended. Please let us know in the registration form if you would like to attend one or both sessions! The registration deadline is July 30th.
In the end you will get a certificate about attending the workshop for your own records.
The whole program will be carried out in English.
About the Trainer:
Dr. Claudia-Francisca López-Cámara
Claudia is a certified science communicator by the University of California at Irvine and by Activate to Captivate®. Among other science communication activities, Claudia has been a "Hiver" at the Loh Down on Science radio program (USA) and served as a social media manager of the American Society of Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Student Chapter. She currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wiggers at CENIDE/NETZ and has been named CENIDE Early Career Fellow since the beginning of 2023.