General information
Registration (Deadline: March 30, 2025)
With the CENIDE Conference, we aim to bring together PIs and early career researchers from CENIDE at an external location to discuss research and shape the future of CENIDE. On the first day, there will be two parallel sessions. Session A.1 The Future of CENIDE: Materials & Energy for PIs and interested postdocs will discuss the new direction of CENIDE and its thematic modernization, following a World Café format. Simultaneously, Session A.2 Early Career Forum for early career researchers will present the existing support and engage in discussions about their specific needs.
The second day will feature best practice examples for research data management (Session B) and discussions on using AI as a tool for research (Session C), through impulse presentations and mini workshops. The third and final day will comprise impulse presentations and small workshops on new research topics (Session D).
We are delighted to announce the participation of two excellent keynote speakers for the conference:
· Prof. Dr. Axel Lorke, Professor of Experimental Physics at UDE and founding director of CENIDE: Good scientific practice
· Prof. Dr. Gregor Schiele, Professor of Embedded Systems in Computer Science at UDE: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In addition, there will be a Postdoc Session (Session E) on the first and second day, featuring short oral presentations by selected postdoctoral researchers from CENIDE, presenting their current research and important findings. Furthermore, there will be two Poster Sessions for early career researchers to present their research, with the opportunity to win the Best Poster Award.
We assure you of excellent catering and accommodations at the Kardinal Schulte Haus. Additionally, there will be ample time for personal exchange, communication, and networking with other CENIDE researchers.
All CENIDE members and early career researchers are invited to attend the conference. Participation is free of charge, and accommodations will be reserved for all attendees in the name of CENIDE. PhD students will be provided with double rooms, while single rooms will be provided for all others. Please note that a fee of 100 Euros will be charged in the event of cancellation after the deadline. However, participant substitutions are permitted free of charge. The number of participants is limited, and the attendance list will be generated on a “first come, first served” basis.
Session D: New Research Topics
- Terahertz technology- enabling microscopic wireless systems and material sensing (Nils Weimann, Lisa Liborius)
The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation in the THz range (0.3 – 10 THz) is below 1 millimeter, leading to an antenna size of 500 µm or less. This enables new applications “within”, i.e. sensor, imaging, and near range communication devices which can be immersed in the human body, complex engineered products, and so on. There is material-specific interaction between matter and the THz field, which can be exploited to classify material surfaces or gas mixtures in various applications ranging from robotic vision to medical, biological, and agricultural monitoring. Common to all these applications is the need for THz sources with high RF output power and efficiency, and low-noise detectors. In this talk, we present electronic devices and modules based on indium phosphide heterojunction resonant tunnel diodes. - Hydrogen – Production, Interaction, Application (Gabi Schierning, Sabrina Disch, Harry Hoster, Doris Segets)
Why do we find H2 (production, interaction, application) exciting as a linking topic for CENIDE?
From the outside, the H2 activities at Duisburg-Essen are very visible, both from the point of view of the location development of the two cities and from the point of view of the university. For years, there has been a strategic development of this topic in many areas, e.g. by new colleagues who have moved to the UDE.
What do we already have?
Production: Very strong expertise in electrocatalysis!
Application: Very strong expertise in different fields of applications (fuel cells, recently H2 direct reduction of steel, H2 logistics, ...)!
What do we need?
Interaction: We have methods and creative minds, but not too much expertise yet in the area of “interaction”. How does H2 interact with the material? In metals, the interaction is via hydride formation, which acts directly on the subsystem of free electrons - mostly pushing electrons into the metal. All effects of the electron subsystem react to this (e.g. also solid-state phase transitions, magnetism, ...). Our methods of analytics, spectroscopy, diffraction, .... are needed to elucidate these influences, so we think that this could be an exciting cross-cutting topic. In particular, it would close the gap between production and application.
Preliminary agenda, detailed agenda will follow.