Create your first Science Podcast with us!
We love science - and podcasts! If you want to share this passion with us, sign up for our workshop. Any researcher who works at a research institution in the Ruhr area and is perhaps involved in materials science can register!
Save the Dates:
Online kick-off (1h only): Fri, March 1, 2pm – 3pm (online)
- Introduction and Inspiration
Workshop Day I: Mon, March 4, 9.30am – 4.30pm
- Background: Content and Equipment
Recording Day I & II: March 6 & March 11
- only ~1 hour per person, which can be scheduled with us individually somewhen during these two days; no need to block the full days, the total time investment for each participant is only 1 hour
Workshop Day II: Wed, March 13, 9.30am – 4.30pm
- Postproduction: Editing and Preparing Publication
Wrap-Up (1h only): Fri, March 15, 2pm - 3pm (online)
- Finalization of Editing, Feedback and Episode collection

During the workshop we will not only teach you about science communication in general and podcasting in particular, but we will create you very own podcast episode with you!
If you cannot make it to all the workshop sessions, you might still be able to participate. In this case please reach out to us, and we will check how to make it happen. We look forward to assist you in recording your own podcast episode!
Your Hosts for this workshop:
Registration for this event is currently open.